Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Lest we forget . . .

On August 31st the Florida State Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on the constitutionality of Terri's Law, which the State Legislature passed in emergency session in October 2003, preventing the execution-by-starvation of Terri Schindler-Schiavo.

Fr. Rob Johansen explains what we can do for Terri. (One word: PRAY!)

Meanwhile, reports on a similar euthanasia case in West Monroe, Louisiana:

An 89 year-old woman who suffered a debilitating stroke is being denied life-sustaining food and water by her family and doctors -- a court said it was okay because Doris Smith signed a living will. The daughter of the woman argues, however, that her mother never intended to be starved to death when she signed the legal document before her stroke.

Nurses at the nursing home stopped administering food and water to Mrs. Smith Monday, following the instruction of two other children, despite the efforts of attorney Jack Wright. The Louisiana Supreme Court refused to hear Smith's daughter, Oris Pettis', appeal. "We're at the end," Wright told the Associated Press.

"Most people have no idea that when it states in a Living Will/Power of Attorney that no further medical treatment will be provided in certain circumstances that it means they will also be denied food and fluids," according to Alex Schadenberg, executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition. "The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition is called regularly by people who have no intention of granting their doctor or family members the right to dehydrate and starve them to death and yet have a Living Will/Power of Attorney document that would do just that.

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