Friday, August 20, 2004

So, while we're raking Deal Hudson over the coals . . .

. . . how about that monk Thomas Merton? I heard he fathered an illegitimate child, and even had a tryst with a nurse later on in his years -- And he had the nerve to write a devotional book called (of all things!) Life and Holiness?!?

Or what about Dorothy Day and her pre-conversion abortion? -- She should have resigned from The Catholic Worker rather than use it as a platform to spout her moralistic philosophy. And to call birth control and abortion genocide? Give me a break, that little hypocrite!

And you know, that Saint Augustine -- I hear he really got around.

* * *

Not to make light of sin in any way, but you get my point.

I'd like to post a comment from Amy Welborn's blog *, because what he said is what we should ultimately be concerned with, at the end of this whole affair, and whether the sinner in question is Republican or Democrat, clergy or layman, man or woman:

". . . in looking at the numerous posts on this and other blogs on the subject, I can only conclude that too many people:
  1. lack humility
  2. seek revenge
  3. rejoice in a fellow human being's fall and pain.
  4. show no evidence of any personal conversion experience.

As a Catholic, my overriding philosophy is that, as fallen human beings, we find redemption in our Lord. It is what the Church teaches and why She exists. The most discouraging, and sometimes depressing, realty is that far too many who call themselves Catholic fail to see the folly in justifying their all too human actions (sins). And then we wonder why culture seems to overwhelm us, why our young people reject the Church, and why too many Catholics are that in name only.

Thank you Deal Hudson for confirming that we all need conversion, penance and redemption."

* The source of the quote is someone by the name of Tony Vogrincic from Canada, who had posted this to the comments section of one of Amy's posts, before she disabled commenting altogether (I presume due to the sheer maliciousness of some of the participants). Never got a chance to email Tony as a result, but if your reading this: excellent words and worth taking to heart. Thank you.

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