Saturday, October 8, 2005

Read your Bible, Lately?

. . . I am very concerned about the cultural future of the United States in this kind of environment. Most people who are secular humanists having the idea that they are doing fine. We are doing fine and our only enemy is the Bible-based far right. The reason why the real threat is the far right is that they have the Bible. And the Bible is a masterpiece. The Bible is one of the greatest works produced in the world. The people who all they have is the Bible actually are set up for life. Not only do they have a spiritual vision given to them but artistic fulfillment. They don’t even recognize just the pleasure of dealing with this epic poetry and drama. Everything is in the Bible. What does the left have? The left has a lot of attitude.

Camille Paglia, as quoted in "Birnbaum v. Camille Paglia" The Morning News August 3, 2005.

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"Assiduous reading of sacred Scripture accompanied by prayer makes that intimate dialogue possible in which, through reading, one hears God speaking, and through prayer, one responds with a confident opening of the heart," the Pope said. "One must never forget that the Word of God is a lamp for our steps and a light on our path."

Pope Benedict XVI, Sept. 16, 2005 (promoting the practice of lectio divina a congress in Rome on "Sacred Scripture in the Life of the Church").

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